What a week!
New hats, new tea towels & celebrating Ed battling ALS for 23 years. Cheers to many more years & still going strong.
The hats & tea towels have been a hit, and I love the conversations I’ve had with customers & other folks who stop & ask me about ALS. Ed feels all the love and support from people wearing the hats & purchasing tea towels. Every contribution makes an impact. And a difference.
What a wretched disease that unites us, bonds us all in the fight for a cure. It’s bittersweet, but so encouraging as we don’t fight ALS alone.
As Ed faces yet another challenge from ALS, his spirit isn’t dampened. He has little jokes he likes to share with his caregivers, saved on his iPad. He chuckles to himself in anticipation of the punch line.
The twinkle in his eye sparkles, as he pushes his glasses up on his nose.
Luna, our first grandchild adores Ed. She plays hide and seek with him, constantly checks the pulsoximator (and wears out numerous batteries) Inquiries as to how he’s feeling throughout the day, and they have a secret greeting and sign off with “ET” fingers. They are each other’s biggest fans and she sees no difference in Ed, from ALS or his wheelchair or inability to speak. They share a love of chocolate & ice cream and silly games. What a gift.
ALS doesn’t define Ed.
He has embraced this voyage with love, courage, faith & humor. His will to “never give up” inspires us all each day. He is a very brave man indeed. We are all along for the ride with him.

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