Summer is here; as are the long, warm days at the beach crowded with children and adults playing in the sand and enjoying the cool breezes. The lure of the Pacific Ocean draws visitors from all cities around Southern California. Families have already started their preparations for the 4th of July and celebrations at the beach. Tents are popping up and piles of towels, beach toys and games all around.
Our 4th tradition includes spending time with family and participating in various antics on the water. We cheer on boat parade participants and several family members always end up getting pushed into the ocean at various times throughout the day. The fireworks show is spectacular and we all watch in awe as the 30 minute fabulous display continues to bombard the sky with patriot music trailing in the background. A great night for all; for a moment we seem to be a completely cohesive community on the beach, in America, together. Celebrating our freedom. How very lucky we are.
Happy 4th of July!!

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